Chanwoo Lee is as an interface architect - mix of HCI design engineer and researcher.

His interest lies in designing power and control in computational media for human agency and identity.

Design/research (contract) at Pentagram,
MA/MSc Innovation Design Engineering at Imperial College London and the Royal College of Art.

Digital Doubles research with MODEM

Exploring how our identities evolve when lifelike simulations begin to communicate on our behalf.

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Designing interface and interaction is about power and control.

How can we directly control RecSys?

RecSys is tamed with our data that big tech owns. How can we have direct influence and control leveraging LLMs?
RCA Computer Science Research Centre

Donut Diamond: Design framework to embed AI ethics in AI design and development. Presented at ICML 2024 London event (UCL)

Democratise ability to build 'personal tools' maintaining ownership of personal data.

Dept. of Web & Land Property

Series of media arts about the materiality and the political dynamic around web. Speculative future where the web is treated as a property like land and oil, and government manages the web.

Supported by Ministry of Science and ICT (Korea).
Platform-L Contemporary Art Center, Seoul. 2019.

Illogical Love

Queering the divide between natural/unnatural, and living/non-living with 'illogical' love.

Research and design of a personal companion datacentre in the sea also works as a distributed energy storage system.

Commissioned by the British Council, Korea Foundation, 2021.
Supported by the Art Council Korea, 2022.

Creative Commisions for UN COP26

Difference makes difference.

DIY personal server using used phones. With OPPO, 2024.

Point of View Is Worth 80 IQ Points
- Alan Kay